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【60/70支 斯里兰卡秃参】秃参 / 海参 100g / 300g Sri Lanka Sea Cucumber Sandfish

RM 130.00
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60/70支 斯里兰卡金沙秃参-60/70支是海参的大小分类,不是你到手会有60/70支(除非你买1公斤,也就是60/70支)



Efficacy and effects of sea cucumbers

Lower blood sugar, lower blood fat, prevent cardiovascular disease. Sea cucumber contains fucoidan which can lower blood lipids and inhibit blood clotting. Medically, it is also believed that patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, hepatitis and middle-aged and elderly people should insist on eating sea cucumbers for a long time, which has a good effect on alleviating symptoms and curing. Anti aging. A variety of nutrients in sea cucumbers have functions such as prolonging life and eliminating fatigue. The elements such as arginine in sea cucumbers also have the ability to promote human body cell regeneration and body damage repair. Regular consumption of sea cucumbers will rejuvenate you and prolong your life.

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