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【药材 Herbs】四等党参 Sulfur-free Grade B Dang Shen 100g / 500g

RM 9.00
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党参味甘,性平。 有补中益气、止渴、健脾益肺,养血生津。 用于脾肺气虚,食少倦怠,咳嗽虚喘,气血不足,面色萎黄,心悸气短,津伤口渴,内热消渴。 懒言短气、四肢无力、食欲不佳、气虚、气津两虚、气血双亏以及血虚萎黄等症。

Dang Shen Benefits:

Dang Shen has many health benefits. It can be used to strengthen the spleen, enhance Qi and improve digestion. It can also help regulate blood pressure, nourish blood, and tonify the lungs which helps improve your respiratory system. They have even been used as supplements to help boost the immunity of cancer patients.

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