  • 韩国蚝士 太阳菊 LL
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  • 韩国青蚝 M

【太阳菊牌】韩国青蚝干 sunflower brand Korea dried oyster

RM 17.00
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- 有益智健脑、降脂减肥、促进胆固醇分解的作用,除此之外还具有独特的滋养功效。

- 牡蛎中所含丰富的牛黄酸有明显的保肝利胆作用,这也是防治孕期肝内胆汁瘀积症的良药;3.所含的丰富微量元素和糖元,对促进胎儿的生长发育、矫治孕妇贫血和对孕妇的体力恢复均有好处。

Korean Dried Oysters

-It is good for brain health, lowering fat and losing weight, and promoting the decomposition of cholesterol. In addition, it has unique nourishing effects.

-The rich bezoar acid contained in oysters has obvious hepatoprotective effect, which is also a good medicine to prevent intrahepatic cholestasis during pregnancy; 3. The rich trace elements and glycogen contained in it can promote the growth and development of the fetus, Correcting pregnant women's anemia is beneficial to the physical recovery of pregnant women.

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