  • 海底捞 7 item.jpg

【海底捞】火锅底料以及调味料 HI Hotpot Seasoning paste

RM 8.20
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我们将会·尽我们的努力把包裹打包好,但是运输过程有可能会遇到运输公司的粗鲁对待导致凹瓶,敬请注意我们将不保证货品寄送到达后能否保持完美无缺。谢谢你的谅解。We will try our best to pack the item with bubble wrap and extra protection, however, we cant control how rough will the logistic company carry the parcel and caused dented/damage to the product. Kindly take note that we will not guarantee on the condition of the product when it's being delivered. Thank you for your understanding.

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